Recommended Rules
Waterfall - Player who lands on space starts. Every player chugs their drink, stopping only when the person before them stops, or any time after. Waterfall ends when every player stops.
Girls Drink - All girl players drink
Blue Eyes Drink - All players with blue eyes drink
Telephone - Player who lands on space comes up with a sentence. They whisper it into the next person's ear. Then that person does the same to the next player, and and keeps going until it reaches the last person who says the sentence out loud.
Category - Player who lands on space comes up with a category. Each person, in order, says something falling in that category. When a person can't think of something, or repeats a word, they drink.
Drink What You Roll - Player takes as many sips as the number they rolled.
Back To Start - Player goes back to start space.
Finish Your Drink - Player finishes their drink.
Choose Who Drinks - Player to land on space chooses a player to drink.
Make A Rule - Player who lands on space comes up with a rule to be followed throughout the game. Example: No player's names can be used
Roll Again - Player rolls again and plays it.
Advance 5 Spaces - Player moves pawn forward 5 spaces
Shot - Player takes a shot
Drive - Player who lands on space starts. Hold both your hands up next to each other like you are giving two thumbs up. Say vroom and point in direction to next player. Next player says vroom and points to continue on the next player, or says skirt and points at previous player. Player who does movement to sound drinks.
Left Handed Drinks - Left hand players drink.
Group Drink - Everyone drinks.
Boys Drink - All boy players drink..
Swap - Swap pawn spot with another player of your choose to get closer to finish.
Rock-Paper-Scissors - Choose a player to play Rock-Paper-Scissors with. Looser drinks.
Shotgun - Player shotguns a drink.
Jail - Player cannot move until rolling a six on their turn
Youngest Drinks - Youngest player drinks.
Biggest Boobs Drinks - Player with biggest boobs drinks.
Safe - Nothing happens to player, you are safe.
Flip A Coin - Flip a coin, looser takes 2 gulps.
Oldest Drinks - Oldest player drinks.
Rhyme Time - Player to land on space gives a word. Going in order, each player gives a rhyming word. Player to not know a word or repeat a word drinks.
Neighbors Drink - If you have any neighbors playing, you guys take a drink.
2 Shots - Player takes 2 shots
Staring Contest - Player to land on space chooses someone to have a staring contest with. Looser drinks.
90's Babies Drink - Any player born in the 90's must drink.
Vote Least Tipsy Drinks - Vote to determine least drunk player, they drink.
State Everyone's Birthday - Player to land on space must state every player's
birthday or they drink.
Spin The Bottle - Sit around a bottle, spin it, the player it lands on drinks.
Blondes Drink - Any blonde players must drink.
Group Selfie - Everyone lean in for a selfie.
Drink If You Have Had A Fake I.D. - Drink If You Have Had A Fake I.D.
15 Second Chug - Player to land on space must chug a drink for 15 seconds.